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SÃO PAULO (surpresa) – A FIA não puniu a Renault na reunião do Conselho Mundial hoje em Mônaco. Estou lendo o e-mail com calma, que acabou de chegar. Já volto com detalhes. Atualização Bem, aos detalhes, que não são muitos. A Renault foi considerada culpada de violar o artigo 151c, o mesmo da McLaren, mas […]

SÃO PAULO (surpresa) – A FIA não puniu a Renault na reunião do Conselho Mundial hoje em Mônaco. Estou lendo o e-mail com calma, que acabou de chegar. Já volto com detalhes.


Bem, aos detalhes, que não são muitos. A Renault foi considerada culpada de violar o artigo 151c, o mesmo da McLaren, mas não foi punida, como acontecera com a McLaren no primeiro julgamento.

A diferença essencial é que na época a Ferrari recorreu e conseguiu que o time de Ron Dennis fosse punido no apelo. O que não vai acontecer agora porque a McLaren não vai recorrer de nada.

Explica-se: o time se retratou ontem através do texto que segue abaixo na íntegra, em inglês, dada a preguiça e a falta de tempo para traduzir. Mas que diz, em resumo, que as acusações à Renault foram exageradas e cheias de informações erradas. Vejam:


The FIA has asked us to correct certain factual errors contained in a press briefing given on our behalf by one journalist concerning Renault F1 and we are pleased to do so. The corrections are as follows.

In our briefing, we stated that there were 18 witness statements from Renault employees admitting that they had viewed McLaren confidential information.

To the extent that this implied that 18 different Renault employees admitted viewing McLaren confidential information it was inaccurate. 13 Renault F1 employees provided 18 witness statements and 9 of them have so far admitted they viewed and discussed the confidential technical information belonging to McLaren.

We stated that the confidential information on computer disks was uploaded onto 11 Renault computers.

This is not accurate. Mr Mackereth copied information onto 11 computer disks. The information on these 11 computer disks was uploaded by Renault IT staff in September 2006 onto Renault’s T: drive and then transferred by Mr Mackereth to his personal home directory stored on Renault’s network server. A back up copy of the material on Mr Mackereth’s personal directory was made onto an unknown number of Renault’s back up servers/tapes.

Our briefing could have been interpreted as suggesting that the Renault employees who admitted sight of McLaren Confidential Information all viewed it on computer screens.

Only Mr Mackereth and Mr Hardie admit viewing McLaren Confidential Information on Mr Mackereth’s computer. The other seven employees who have admitted seeing McLaren Confidential Information admit seeing it in the form of computer print outs or hard copy documents.

We said that the information on the 11 computer disks taken by Mr Mackereth included 780 individual drawings.

This was an error. The information taken by Mr Mackereth on floppy disks, in hard copy form and by email amounts to 762 pages when printed out. The 11 computer disks included 18 individual technical drawings. Mr Mackereth also admits that he took hard copy drawings of McLaren’s dampers.

We said that the McLaren information amounted to the “entire technical blueprint of the 2006 and 2007 McLaren car”.

This requires clarification. The position is that, the McLaren drawings plus the information in a confidential MP4 – 22A Specification document taken by Mr Mackereth constitute a technical definition of the fundamental layout of the 2007 McLaren car and the technical details of its innovative and performance enhancing systems.

We are pleased to assist the FIA in making the above clear in advance of tomorrow’s hearing.

Isso posto, a McLaren é que corre, agora, o risco de ser processada pela Renault por calúnia, injúria, difamação e por causar gastrite em quem não devia.

Encerra-se o caso, pois. E abre-se a porta, definitivamente, para Alonso assinar com sua ex-equipe e ser anunciado, ao lado de Nelsinho Piquet, para 2008. Heikki Kovalainen, que não tem treinado pela Renault, vai para a McLaren.

Será assim.

Abaixo, só para não deixar um post desse tamanho sem imagem nenhuma, a sala onde aconteceu a reunião do Conselho Mundial, cheia de gente engravatada.